HUMANIC – Brand Relaunch and Social Media Management
Shoes, bags, fashion, style.
Shoes, bags, fashion, style. To be one of the leading shoe resellers in Europe is one thing but being recognizable and staying relevant is another. Therefore, HUMANIC decided to dig deep into their past to bring back an old friend. FRANZ IS BACK.
In May 2021, the brand relaunch took place where HUMANIC completely revamped its brand identity. Primarily because of this, and to provide an internal update to the HUMANIC staff, a roadshow was planned. Due to restrictions, this plan needed to be adapted, and a fully digital and interactive live show was the way to go.
We have collaborated with HUMANIC to create the concept, organize the production, create graphics and act as show caller on the production site. The local event agency Getec Eventtechnik with Jakob Gailhofer built the studio for the show in Graz.
The final show played out in different HUMANIC stores all around Austria and Germany. To keep the staff engaged the interactive part was vastly important. This was implemented with the help of an interactive mobile web app.
After the internal brand launch concluded, another task came up, which prolonged our collaboration with HUMANIC. Since a new brand identity was introduced, HUMANIC also needed support with social media content and management.
Our tasks reach from content ideas, creative concepts, influencer management, social media management all the way to video content productions and graphics. All in all, we are supporting HUMANIC as a creative and managerial unit as their journey with Franz continues.
Are you still wondering who Franz is and where to get your next pair of shoes?
Head over to humanic.net or @humanicshoes on Instagram to find your answer.