Armin Assinger für Dany Sahne
Dany Sahne Logo in schwarz weiß

Dany Sahne Genussanalyse mit Armin Assinger

Digital Concept & Content Creation

Danone approached us with the challenge of bringing a breath of fresh air into the Dany Sahne brand. We got to work and developed the campaign idea “Dany Sahne Genussanalyse mit Armin Assinger”!

The idea is simple: Armin Assinger, known as a ski sports commentator, comments on different people enjoying a Dany Sahne product in a living room setting. Some enjoy slowly and strategically, others greedily and wildly... but one thing is certain; No moment of enjoyment goes unnoticed or uncommented, because ski legend Armin Assinger is already well prepared and waiting for each and every candidate who jumps on the number #1 dessert in Austria. This is followed by funny, energetic and impressed statements that capture the brand's versatile charm and package it with humor in various video formats.

Our main goal in this unique project was to produce an entertaining video campaign for various social media platforms that uses Armin Assinger's quick wit and charm to communicate Dany Sahne’s brand values to a diverse audience. It was particularly important to mix the energetic spontaneity of a sporting event analysis with the coziness of a seemingly everyday living room scenario and to find the humor in it.

After the creative process for the campaign idea, detailed production planning, the design of a living room set and precise content coordination with Armin Assinger, our various candidates and influencers were filmed using a complex multicam setup while eating a Dany Sahne cup. While each person dedicated themselves to their dessert in different ways, Armin had the chance to simultaneously comment on every movement via live feed on a separate film set and spontaneously respond to the people's particularly exciting peculiarities. This resulted in several unique moments that we recorded from multiple angles and were able to
edit together in post-production to create a dynamic best-of video clip. There were versions of different lengths for different advertising channels. The reactions speak for themselves and convinced both our customers and potential Dany Sahne buyers. The predominantly digital campaign at the point of sale was extended offline.


Services we provided

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