Everything You Need To Know About AR Filters
Instagram‘s newest, innovative feature that you‘ll want to hop on the bandwagon with.
Connecting with new audiences on Instagram is now easier than ever. Filters are taking Instagram by a storm ever since Instagram introduced the ability for businesses and users to create their own. That‘s right. It‘s now possible to create your own custom filters for your brand. Now you have a direct way to connect, engage, and influence your followers like never before. So let‘s dive in. ?
How Do You Create A Filter?
The tool Instagram uses to create the filters is called Spark AR. It‘s a tool that allows you to create augmented-reality filters (adding graphics on top of real-life objects like a face or your surroundings) which can then be shared to both Instagram and Facebook. This allows you to create fun, engaging filters to promote your brand or business! You can learn how to use Spark AR with it‘s tutorial series, but as with all new software, it takes a while to learn.
What‘s Involved In Making a Filter Live?
Before, Instagram created all their filters internally, but earlier this year Instagram opened it to a beta version so that anyone could submit their own filters. This means a few things if you want to use it to promote your business – firstly, you have to create the filter by learning the tools, then submit the final version for approval. Approval can take anywhere from hours, to days, and even weeks – there isn‘t really a standard time frame. This means that you need to leave plenty of time if you have an event coming up or a product launch.
Is It Really Worth The Effort?
Yes, and this is why. Since opening the beta version 1 billion people have created and uploaded their own AR effect, which includes other businesses. Popular brands like Starbucks are using the filters to promote their holiday line of cups, and everyday people to celebrities are using the filter to share with their audiences. If you have a fun filter idea, then it could take off in a big way, especially since we‘re still in the early stages. AR is growing continuously in the media industry and is expected to reach more than $61.39 billion by 2023. So if you commit to learning the tools, then you can easily reach more consumers and be a part of a virtual movement!
What Does a Brand Get From a Filter?
Brands are having to compete harder than ever on social media to attract and retain audience attention. Filters are the newest way to capture and harness that attention. As a brand, if you want to share the latest news about your new product or event, then a filter is a great way to do that. Your audience can share the filter in their Instagram Story with their friends, which prompts their friends to also try it out. You‘re not only reaching the audience of one user, but a network of users from across the globe. Think of it as a way for users to participate directly with your brand, creating a snowball effect across social media.
Thinking Outside the Box Pays Off
Spark AR lets you create more than just face filters. You can also create filters that are for the space around you. For example, if your brand sells furniture then you could create a filter that allows users to place different items of furniture from your catalogue around the room. At the moment, Instagram is beginning to make their filters link to the shop feature already within the app, so this is another potential to directly convert users.
What‘s The Goal of a Filter? So what‘s this all for? The goal of the filter is to show your audience how fun you are! It‘s about making what you want to share (your product, brand identity or event) as fun and as interactive as possible. Giving your community a fun face filter or an interactive filter game (i.e. the “Flappy Bird” filter that was a nod to the original game), creates a positive image for your brand and allows your audience to become an active part of the end result. It‘s no longer just you shouting your message into social media, your audience in on board and having fun with you! If you want to create your very own branded filter and don‘t know where to start, contact us for a consultation here.